Friday 2 March 2012


Excuse the rubbish photo but this is what I wore to a "rock" club night last night.
I really love the bright cobalt blue mixed with the black ankle boots and edgy belt..
I LOVE the belt; which will feature in many outfits, as it has a rose gold trim on it.
Hope you enjoy

Dress: Primark- £13 (current)
Belt: Primark- £2.50 (!) (current)
Boots: New Look- £15
With black opaque tights


Thursday 1 March 2012

Introduction :)


I am Gillian and I am a 19 year old fashion and business student from Scotland. I LOVE beauty and fashion; and what better way to express that than through a blog! I hope to post about new things I buy, review items and outfits that I like. You may also get snippets of my life: trips I take, uni projects etc...

I should have a proper post up soon :),

*Insert a slightly awkward self portrait here* 

From Gillian, with love 